Nikola Tesla is known as the father of commercial electricity. He is known for his contribution in the field of electromagnetism. Methods of generating electricity have changed drastically with modern techniques and inventions. The rising awareness of global warming and sustainable development has made the investors to switch to renewable electricity generation methods. These renewable sources are eco friendly and reduce the emission of CO2 and now we are less dependent on fossil fuels.
Thorium: Thorium has the ability to generate more energy than Uranium, oil, coal combined or gas. It can satisfy the world wide demand. Thorium is abundantly present in nature and is expected to emerge as a rich source of nuclear energy. Thorium waste can be treated easily; a ton of thorium produces equivalent energy produced by 3.5 million tons of coal and 200 tons of uranium.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation (OTEC): Relies on the difference in temperature, which exists between shallow and deep waters, to create energy. Until now, this has always proved to be challenging for OTEC. However, recent developments in the effectiveness of heat exchange, helped by the performance of modern designs, are making many experts feel optimistic about its potential.
Wind power: Wind technology provides one of the most clean and cost efficient renewable energy sources. Despite it accounting for only 2% of the generation of global energy, wind power is growing very rapidly, and over the past three years its use has doubled. For countries like Denmark, it is accountable for 20% of the stationary production of electricity. In Britain, wind power is vastly outperforming other countries due to our weather patterns and access to the sea.
Solar Energy: Sun is the greatest source of energy. It is not only renewable but abundantly available everywhere. The source generates energy in a safe and clean environment. However the panels and solar cells are costly and therefore not economically feasible for many investors. There is a huge scope of improvement because currently only 31% of the energy is utilized the rest is wasted.
Geothermal Energy: This energy is derived from the underground heat stores. It is also a renewable source. Geothermal energy utilizes the heat of volcanic activity, radioactive decay from minerals and solar energy on the surface of the earth. The scope of this source was restricted to the tectonic plate boundaries. With the advancement of the technology the size and the range of the energy has been expanded and new geothermal resources are being discovered. There are apprehensions among the researchers regarding the disposal of green house gases with the geothermal well.
About the Author:
Bella Winterfold frequently writes around green energy and renewable electricity within the home and business.
One comment
Thanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I can do something with it.
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